Concert Band Recruitment, Engagement, and Retention
Proctor Jr. – Sr. High School Band, Proctor, Vermont
Over the past three academic years, the Proctor Jr. – Sr. High School Band has more than doubled in size while encouraging high levels of learning. The school had it’s highest number of honors ensemble participants ever in the 2023-2024 school year and the Band participated went on the school’s first overnight trip in almost ten years. The Band’s size will double again from it’s numbers from the 2023-2024 academic year for the 2024-2025 school year.
- Recruitment
- Engagement
- High Levels of Learning
- Building of Ensemble Community
- Retention
Target Audience
A program cannot be built and retained without students, parents, teachers/colleagues, administration, and community members truly understanding the value of the education students receive in the Band room. If one party does not understand, then the program’s growth falters.
As a music educator, I was hired to build a Band program ten years ago though unable to do so do to scheduling. During that time, I did everything I could to change the atmosphere in Band, the learning standards, and the community and school viewpoint regarding Band. Three years ago, our sixth principal was hired and realized that the schedule did not have anyone set up for success in the building let alone the Band program. Between the schedule change and funds that had been withheld from staff, I was able create deeper and more meaningful learning experiences for my students. I expanded my inner-Band mentoring program which has helped develop our Band community. I have had countless conversations with my administrators (building and upper admin.) about how to enhance music opportunities within our schools. Every in-person and email conversation with a colleague, parent, and community member from the moment I entered the building ten years ago until now has been a chance to show how music education benefits our students. Over the past three years, I have spent time with my Band students have more of these conversations with them so they can learn how to have these conversations with others. Sometimes conversations with students have been “spur of the moment” and other times they are carefully planned and cultivated through written assignments. My students, parents, colleagues, administrators, and community members now help and encourage students to join the Band due to the community we’ve built and the depth of learning experiences students receive.
Overview of Planning and Execution
- Myself – Music Educator
- Students – learners and advocates for the program and music education, daily attendance
- Parents – advocates, attended Music Booster Meetings, events, and concerts
- Current Principal – advocate, meetings with music educator, attended events/concerts, supported behind-the-scenes
- Colleagues – as they learned, more attended concerts and became more supportive behind-the-scenes
- Community – as they learned, more attended events and became more supportive behind-the-scenes
- School Board – school board meetings, behind-the-scenes support
- Upper Administration – school board meetings, behind-the-scenes support
Tools and Resources
Many of the tools and resources I used I created myself through conversation, assignments, or through Restorative Practices (Tier I and Tier II). Conversations have continuously took place with students, administration, community members, and parents throughout the years. I have created assignments based off the pieces my students have been learning and the needs of my students. I have worked to create the community in my classroom through the use of Restorative Practices.
Marketing and Promotion
Much of the marketing and promoting was through positive word of mouth from myself and others. Additionally, I used social media (Facebook) to show all of the events my students and I were participating in. Oftentimes, I would write a post and share it with the school’s Facebook page so the school could share it. I would then share it on my personal page. I might also create my own post on my personal page about an event. This would be three posts at minimum promoting and sharing each event in a positive manner for the community to see. Students, parents, and administration would then share about the event adding to the positivity.
$5000 went to our Band trip for the 2023-2024 school year to Albany and Niagara Falls. $2000 was fundraised. $3000 was given to us by the school board because they wanted us to go on our over-night trip.
The other $5000 was for smaller field trips taken throughout the past three years (2023-2024, 2022-2023, 2021-2022) to various music events. Some of the money was fundraised. Some of the money came through the school board.
When I started teaching at Proctor, sports was valued over everything, even over academics. Music and music education were not valued at all. Through conversations and teaching, I have shifted the tides. Music and music education are now seen as valuable to students and their education and the community. Persistence was key as was taking advantage of anything that could look like an opportunity for my program. I needed to stand strong during times of difficulty and meet continuously with administration even when support was not always there.
Success/Effectiveness Measurement
My advocacy initiative has been effective. Class enrollment size proves this. Additionally, if one were to speak to members of administration, the school board, the teaching staff, community, or my students, they would learn the growth in student body and learning that has occurred over the years at Proctor Jr. – Sr. High School without a feeder program.
Community Impact
The Band program provides a community for students who have not felt like they have belonged in the school prior. This community is welcoming of everyone and grows each year incorporating more of the school’s student body. Thus, the Band is having a larger impact on the school’s overall atmosphere. Due to the expectation of high levels of learning in Band, this is also permeating the school.
Advice for others?
- Stay positive as much as possible
- The change happens with your persistence
- It will not be easy and will take longer than you expect
- Every conversation, email, assignment, is a chance for you to make a change to advocate and educate
- You will make a difference even if it doesn’t feel like it