• Any United States scholastic music program (curricular or extracurricular), scholastic music booster organization, or external PK-12 arts organization is eligible to enter.
  • All curricular and extracurricular scholastic music programs are eligible to submit entries. This includes band, choir, color guard, orchestra, general music, and any other type of scholastic music program.
  • Programs serving any age level (elementary, middle, or high school) are eligible.
  • Public, private, parochial, and charter schools are eligible.
  • Any individual may submit an application (teacher, student, parent, etc.). All applications will require the signature of the program educator/instructor.
  • Eligible entries must have been produced or implemented during the 2023-24 academic school year(s).
  • Each entry must be completed in its entirety in order to be eligible for review.
  • Each entry must be submitted by 11:59pm EST on August 26, 2024 in order to be eligible for review.


There is no entry fee. Our intention is to ensure this program is accessible to anyone who may be interested in applying.


  • Each advocacy initiative will be considered one entry. One program can submit multiple entries in multiple categories; however, each entry requires a separate application.
  • Supporting materials may be included with each entry. Applicants may submit up to 10 photos, documents, videos, and/or objects supporting their entry. Video materials must follow our video submission guidelines.
  • Questions about which category your entry best falls into? Email us at education.musicforall.org.


Entries will be reviewed by members of Music for All’s Advocacy in Action advisory committee.


  • All award recipients will be notified by email in early December 2024. Notification will be sent to the contact listed on the entry form.
  • Honorees may be asked to submit additional information or be interviewed for Advocacy in Action promotional materials.
  • 2025 Advocacy in Action award recipients will be publicly announced and showcased beginning in January 2025.
  • Award recipients will be promoted as featured advocacy content throughout the 2025 Music for All National Festival, Summer Symposium, and Bands of America Championships.
  • Award recipients will also be promoted at state and national music education events where Music for All has a presence.


By submitting your entry to the Advocacy in Action Awards, you grant Music for All the right to use any submitted materials, including but not limited to photos and video, for editorial, analytical, promotional, or any other purposes without additional compensation or permission. In addition, you acknowledge that your entry and any corresponding materials are not returnable. The complete submission of an entry indicates acknowledgment and agreement to these terms.


Video submissions and supporting video materials may be submitted in one of two ways. You may upload a link to a video hosted via an online platform, such as YouTube or Vimeo, or videos may also be submitted as digital attachments. Videos submissions should be limited to a 20-minute maximum length.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is there a limit to the number of entries I can submit?

A: No. You may submit as many entries to as many categories as you wish, but keep in mind that multiple entries each require a separate application.

Q: Are we able to submit more than one application in a singular category?

A: Yes! If you have two great fundraising initiatives, share them both!

Q: My entry might fit into more than one category. Can I submit it in both?

A: Yes. An entry that fulfills the requirements of a submission in more than one category may be entered in both categories. Please note that every submission requires a separate application.

Q: I’m a student in my school music program. Can I submit an entry for something our program does?

A: Anyone is eligible to submit an entry for the Advocacy in Action Awards. We do ask, however, that anyone nominating their local music program verify their submission with the signature of their program’s director/instructor.

Q: Who evaluates the Advocacy in Action Awards entries?

A: Evaluators will include educators, administrators, community leaders, Music for All partners, and business leaders recognized for achievement in each category.

Q: How are the Advocacy in Action Awards entries Evaluated?

A: Each category will be assigned a panel of 3-5 evaluators. This panel will evaluate based on criteria specific to their respective category.

Each and every music program that enters is unique; therefore, evaluation is based on the subjective opinion of the judges based on their experience and expertise in the profession and their knowledge of that category area.

We do not reveal the names of the evaluators as we make every effort to protect them from questions – opting to direct all the questions about the evaluation process and the awards directly to Music for All instead.

Q: For categories that require a link to be submitted, how long should the links remain active?

A: Even though you may be submitting your entries in spring or summer, entries will not be evaluated until the fall. Even after the judging takes place, there is work that must occur in order to prepare the materials for the Awards Presentation and online publishing. We ask that all links remain active through January of the next calendar year.

If you have further questions about the Advocacy in Action Awards, please contact Emily Timmons at emily.t@musicforall.org or (317)-218-4922. 

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