Musical Partnership with the Mayor’s Office

Chavez and Webster Elementary Choirs, Long Beach, California


Our advocacy initiative was to partner with the mayor’s office of Long Beach as well as to demonstrate excellence in elementary choral music and the need for Music for All.

In December 2023, our Cesar Chavez 4th/5th grade students went on a walking field trip and performed holiday songs for the mayor and city hall officials at their annual potluck luncheon in December. Students received a standing ovation, mayor’s pin, and short tour.

In April, 2024 our Webster 4th/5th grade chorus & students visited the mayor’s office and sang patriotic songs and received a tour and learned about civic leadership.


The objectives of our advocacy initiative was to partner with the mayor’s office of Long Beach, California. The objectives were to provide choral music exchange experiences for our fourth and fifth grade chorus students giving back to the community through song, and in turn have students learn about civic leadership and helping in the community.

In part one of our advocacy in action, our Cesar Chavez, fourth and fifth grade chorus members sang during the holiday season for our mayor and mayor’s office. Students sang a variety of culturally relevant and sustaining pedagogy selections in a variety of languages such as Spanish, Hebrew, English, and Swahili.

Students received a standing ovation and the mayor’s pin.

In part two of our advocacy initiative, our Webster, elementary fourth and fifth grade chorus students, as well as student council members performed patriotic songs for civic leaders and workers at City Hall – after which students received a tour of City Hall, sat in and visited the actual office of mayor Rex Richardson, enjoyed questions and answers in the mayor’s meeting room, and toured the official city council meeting room, and sat in the city council member chairs.

Student performance objectives included singing in tune in unison, and in harmony, with a proper tone and posture with poise, accuracy, and proper singing techniques and mechanics.

Other student objectives were to learn about civic leadership, and be inspired!

Community leader objectives were to witness the beauty of music education in action, and enjoy student performances for specific purposes and see the power of music in bringing people together for a common cause.

These performances were to show how important music is for all, and how music education is necessary. The performances were also for students as a means of giving back to their community through song.

Target Audience

Students and Community Members were the focus of this advocacy initiative.

I wanted to create a choral music exchange experience in providing students with a performance opportunity in which they could give back to the mayor of Long Beach and community members of City Hall through song. In exchange, I wanted elected officials to see the power of music education first hand. Being a Nationally Board Certified Music Educator, I know that it is important to advocate for music education in schools. Unfortunately, too often school music programs are the first to go as a result of budget cuts.

Why not perform for elected officials who are decision makers in showing excellence in choral music education and bringing them joy at the same?

According to Americans for the Arts, (2021) “students who participate in music and arts education in schools are five times more likely to graduate, three times more likely to receive a bachelors degree, and four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement then students not participating in arts, education activities.”

We need more music education in schools!


Our initial timeline of our advocacy initiative began when our Chavez 5th grade teacher Ms. Chai received a grant for her class to tour city hall (walking field trip).

Always looking for advocating for the arts, I had an idea for our 4th/5th grade chorus perform at the mayor’s office. Having a contact in the mayors office created an excellent avenue.

My former elementary student Montserrat Pineda, now a college graduate-works at the mayors office as Official Deputy Youth Liaison. I contacted her and asked if we could coordinate with Ms. Chai’s grant.

Ms. Pineda invited our group to sing for the mayor’s office holiday potluck luncheon! The mayor and city officials and workers enjoyed a fabulous performance and got to see and hear excellence in choral music education first hand! The Chavez Elementary partnership was a walking field trip, so no funds were necessary. Webster Elementary School being many miles away, I realized that needed to provide $880.00 for transportation costs. Wanting to replicate this choral music exchange experience at other schools, I decided to write a grant through the RuMBa foundation of Long Beach.

Having an in at the mayor’s office, no extra funds were needed for the tour docent.

Once I received the grant for the funds, we booked the bus immediately and secured the date on the calendar.

I worked with our Webster Elementary students in learning patriotic songs in unison, and in two-part harmony to perform for city officials and workers in the lobby of City Hall.

After we performed, we were invited on a fabulous tour of City Hall by my former student Montserrat! Students were able to ask her questions on how she went from my elementary student to becoming an official at City Hall and were very much inspired!

Overview of Planning and Execution

Valerie Vinnard innovative advocacy initiative director. 4-6 months Coordinator of field trips, grants, communications with administrators, mayor’s office staff, school secretaries, teachers, and parents. In person conversations, emails, texts, and phone calls.

Coordinating student photo release permissions. Writing “School News Roll Call” and “DKG California” publication articles.

Writing and securing a grant for transportation funds.

Texting with my former elementary student mayor’s office contact for many months in planning both field trips for students and coordinating with mayor’s schedule.

Organizing with school lunch cafeteria staff for sack lunches for all students, participants for field trips and organizing with parents for treats for students following grant- back at school.

Christine Whipp LBUSD Visual and Performing Arts Director field trip approval and grant coordinator (a few email interchanges).

Principal of Cesar Chavez Elementary Brenda Ocampo field trip approval (a few in person and email exchanges).

Cesar Chavez Secretary coordination with 4th/5th grade classroom teachers (a few in person and email exchanges)

Cesar Chavez classroom teachers rehearsal and field trip coordination (a few in person and email exchanges)

Renee Bhatia-teacher on special assignment/music coach for Visual and Performing Arts LBUSD field trip chaperone emails and in person chaperone participant.

Principal of Webster Elementary Matthew Monaghan field trip approval (a few in person and email exchanges).

Webster Secretary coordination with 4th/5th grade classroom teachers (a few in person and email exchanges).

Webster classroom teachers rehearsal and field trip coordination (a few in person and email exchanges).

Cesar Chavez and Webster cafeteria supervisor in person and email exchanges organizing sack lunches for student field trips.

Montserrat Pineda my former elementary school music student and current appointed Deputy Youth Liaison for City of Long Beach mayor Rex Richardson’s office. Several phone calls, texts, emails, organizing, and coordinating over 4-6 months.

Tools and Resources

The benefit of good relationships with others were useful as tools and resources for my advocacy initiative.

Relationships with my district administrator, principals, teachers, parents, students, cafeteria workers, and former elementary student now Deputy Youth Liaison for the City of Long Beach proved crucial in making this advocacy initiative so successful.

I also utilized my knowledge of grant writing to facilitate acquiring the funds for the bussing that we needed.

Marketing and Promotion

Marketing and promoting my advocacy initiative was completed after each choral music field trip event.

The advocacy initiative participants included students, district music coach (field trip #1), parent chaperones, and workers at City Hall, including the mayor, elected officials, and staff.
The events were closed to the public.

Strategies used for marketing and promoting my advocacy initiative included social media posts on “X” and “Facebook.” I made sure to tag important stakeholders such my school district Long Beach Unified, mayor Rex Richardson, Office of Mayor Rex Richardson, City of Long Beach, Superintendent Dr. Jill Baker, Board Members Dr. Juan Benitez (Chavez) and Erik Miller (Webster), National Association for Music Education, California Music Educators Association, American Choral Directors Association, GRAMMY Museum, Recording Academy GRAMMY Awards, National Board for Professional Teaching, Create California, NAfME President Scott Sheehan, CMEA President Anne Fennell, Deb Confredo current NAfME President, Vapa Jeannine leader of Create California and Visual and Performing Arts Coordinator for the Los Angeles County of Education, Christopher Peterson Vice President of American Choral Directors Association, and Chad Zullinger current Vice President of the American Choral Directors Association.

Other marketing and promotions strategies utilized were the writing of articles in “School News Roll Call” and “DKG California Highlights.” “School News Roll Call is a publication in which city officials, community, administrators, parents, teachers, staff, students, and stakeholders can see wonderful happenings at schools in different districts around California. As an advocate of music education I have written more than twenty five music education related articles throughout the years for my different schools.

“DKG, California highlights” it’s a publication by the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Society for key women educators. I write music, education articles, at least once a year to highlight and promote the arts in California and around the world.


$880.00 School Bus Transportation


There were several challenges I encountered throughout my advocacy initiative.

One of the challenges I faced included organizing song selections that would be easy to learn and appropriate for unison, and two-part singing. General music teaching at five elementary schools-chorus only meeting once a week-that song selections would at the same time shine through in giving back to the community but be easily accessible and engaging for students.

Other challenges were logistical in that I am at so many different school sites, and only at each school one day per week. Trying to coordinate and speak with different administrators, teachers, staff, cafeteria workers, etc. in person/emails and organizing these field trips outside of our normal school day and duties proved to be a challenge.

Good relationships with school secretaries proved crucial in getting the field trip forms, photo releases, and the acquiring of parent chaperones.

Another challenge that I faced was that there is no piano or keyboard at City Hall/mayor’s office. In our first field trip-walking, I was able to wheel my keyboard (thanks to music coach Renee Bhatia). Trying to make sure that our students walked safely, bringing my music, bringing our lunches, etc.- bringing an important musical instrument was very challenging.

For our part two of our advocacy initiative in our first field trip, I decided to opt for a cappella, singing experience, and not having to bring the keyboard.

One drawback to not having brought our keyboard this time, I feel that students would have sounded more in tune and together in rhythm- (if the bringing of the keyboard, were not such a challenge). Nevertheless, students shined anyway!! We overcame our challenges and went to the basics of proper singing and steady beat/rhythm the best we could and students received huge applause!

Success/Effectiveness Measurement

Our advocacy initiative was effective for both our students as well as for mayor Rex Richardson and other elected officials in the city of Long Beach.

For our students, they had the opportunity to perform outside of the school and out in service giving back to the community. Students showed their gratitude for the mayor and city hall workers for all they do by singing in these two performances (December holiday songs and patriotic songs close to Memorial Day) which brought them joy, brightened their seasons, and inspired them.

Students also participated in a tour of City Hall given by my former elementary music student Montserrat Pineda. Montserrat is now current Deputy Youth Liaison for the city of Long Beach. Montserrat told my current students that I was her chorus/general music teacher all those years ago for her K-5th grade years at Cleveland Elementary!

As a Latina, she related well with scholars from our two schools, Chavez and Webster, which are dual immersion bilingual Spanish/English Schools. Both schools are title I Schools with high poverty rate and free lunch for all students.

Both schools also serve students with disabilities mild, moderate, severe, & autism.

Several of our choral/student council students have an IEP and receive special school support services.

Montserrat having had a similar upbringing was an inspiration to our students. One of her quotes she told was “reach for the moon, at least you will land among the stars.” Telling students to go for it with anything and everything that they want in life.

Mayor Rex Richardson and city officials and staff appreciated our performances and enjoyed interacting with our scholars. They enjoyed the questions and answers and wisdom these students already have at such a young age.

Community Impact

Our advocacy initiative positively impacted our music program, school, district, and local community through our marketing and promotion efforts.

Our advocacy initiative made our school programs look awesome! We made our school, district, and local community proud! Singing and giving back to the mayor and city officials and learning about civic duties!

We showcased excellence in choral music education, and demonstrated the need for music education for all!


Our advocacy initiative also provided as an example for what other- not only elementary schools can do, but what other TK through college schools can do in partnership with city officials and community members in advocating for the arts.

My school, Webster Elementary and I were also awarded with a certificate of recognition from mayor Rex Richardson and the City of Long Beach:” Valerie Vinnard congratulations on being honored as a legacy applicant for the 2025 Grammy Music Educator award. You have demonstrated exceptional, dedication and excellence in music education. Representing Webster elementary and the city of Long Beach. Your commitment to nurturing, young talent and inspiring, a love for music is truly commendable. Congratulations on this outstanding achievement! We look forward to continuing to collaborate with you in service to our great City of Long Beach” May 8, 2024.

Advice for others?

One big piece of advice that I would give to someone who is looking to replicate this project in their own community is having good relationships is key. Good relationships are a must for any educator who wants to advocate for their students and program.

If there were anything that I would do differently in running this initiative again, I would write 1 grant for 2 school buses/2 field trips.

I would have the choral music exchange field trip where students give back to the mayor and community with the singing and tour for one field trip.

In the second field trip, I would have us be invited to an important city mayoral function as I have been named as a Legacy Applicant for the 2025 GRAMMY Music Educator Award for Webster Elementary School representing the City of Long Beach.

I would have had us come back and perform for a Memorial Day function for example. Further partnering and giving back to our community and great City of Long Beach through song with a greater audience open to the public. We could have performed our National Anthem, which was one of our song selections we sang at City Hall at the end of April.

If funds for a second bus were not possible, one idea would be to see if the mayor would have perhaps provided one of his city buses to transport us especially if the event had occurred on a weekend.

In the future, I would also drive over my keyboard before school and drop it off at City Hall. I would coordinate with Montserrat in acquiring a power source and extension cord.

That way, whether we are going on a walking field trip or bus field trip, my accompaniment instrument would already be prepared in the venue and set us up for even greater success!

2025 Decision-Maker Engagement Award Recipient
4-6 Months
Grades K-5
20-50 Adults
Students, Parents, Staff, Community

Supporting Materials
