We Bring The Music To You!
Chopin Elementary, IL
2450 W Rice St, Chicago, IL 60622, USA
Project Description
Our goal at Chopin is to raise the money needed to fund the program ourselves. We do not want to rely on school discretionary funds for a number of reasons. The amount of discretionary funds vary each year and our program is expensive. If we drain a prohibitively high amount from those funds, other programs have no recourse during the school year. Our string orchestra has 80 students participating each year. That is approximately 20% of the student body for our school. If we are able to partner with corporate sponsors to fund the program, the discretionary funds allotted to Chopin will be able to serve many more student programs in athletics, visual arts and tutoring. This is of paramount importance that we make every dollar stretch as far as possible.
Target Audience
Overview of planning and execution process for this project
All of these services are tuition and fee free for the students.
In addition to being the general music teacher at Chopin, I am the viola teacher and orchestral conductor. Merit provides additional violin, cello and bass teachers as well as a parent liaison position who takes attendance, chaperones student bus trips to Merit and any trips to play outside of Chopin Elementary.
My implementation of this program includes seeking out corporate partners for performances as well as having two Board meetings during the year in September and June. The Board members include professional musicians, civic leaders, local business owners, and our school principal. Together, the Board provides financial, intellectual and moral support throughout the year.
Community Impact
Furthermore, our program’s graduates attend selective enrollment high schools and post secondary education at a higher rate than CPS average.
Explanation of current sponsor(s), longevity of sponsorship, sponsor levels, and benefits:
Summary of sponsor research and outreach process:
Description of process for initiating and/or renewing sponsorships:
Overall budget
Specific Budget Breakdown
It is used to augment the fundraising and grant writing efforts of Merit School of Music.
Instrument purchases, maintain and replacement of consumables such as strings, bows, rosin, cases, and repair/rental