OCG Community Service Project
Owasso High School, OK
12901 East 86th St N, Owasso, OK, USAProject Description
This summer we engaged our color guard students to come up with a community service project to provide outreach to the community. Students could work alone or up to a group of 4. Each studentgroup had to present their project for approval, perform and document the activity, then present it to the rest of the team. Projects could not be just volunteering time, put coming up with their own unique service initiative that impact the lives of others. They were given a time line or 2 months to complete the process and present their projects to the group. We started with a meeting discussing our core values as a team. We called them our non-negotiables. What do we represent as a group, how do we represent ourselves to each other and the world, and what are our expectations towards the goal we want to reach individually and together. We found that our students are now more team oriented when they worked together outside of rehearsal in areas that didn’t involve a competitive environment per say. This project was a great success and we were so impressed with the variety and scope of service that the students engaged in. We witnessed the growth in respect of each unique students contribution by other students, we find them working more closely as a group, we find them being able to be more vulnerable and accepted by each other and we find their inner passion being exposed in their art because they feel safe to express. It was a fantastic experience for all.
Target Audience
Overview of planning and execution process for this project
Sponsors/charities/volunteers/ other groups involved in the project and the benefits to each.
Community Impact
Overall budget